The triggers are using digital input, meaning they have less precise values being sent (1 pressed and 0 unpressed). Games working with the Xinput as their primary input mode usually won't support these controllers. They have regular button triggers and usually no home button. Older games use this and some modern games (fighting games always support these, Assassin's Creed 2 & BroHood etc). These controllers use analogue input for some buttons, meaning the buttons (mostly the triggers) read data in more precise float point values (e.g.: 0.165 and 0.734). Usually in the front, between start and select. Also, similar to XBOX 360 controllers, they have a Home button. They usually have "soft" trigger buttons, meaning they replicate the action of real life triggers. Almost all modern games (especially the XBOX 360 ports) will work with these controllers. Here is a little run-down of the possible situation with a short explanation.