Tap the touchpad with two fingers or press down in the lower-right corner Place two fingers on the touchpad and pinch in or stretch out Place two fingers on the touchpad and slide horizontally or vertically To find out if your laptop has one, select Start > Settings > Bluetooth & devices > Touchpad. Try out these gestures on the touchpad of your Windows 11 laptop. Some of these gestures will only work with precision touchpads. Swipe with four fingers to the left or right on the screen Swipe with one finger in from the left edge of screen Swipe with one finger in from the right edge of the screen Swipe with three fingers to the left or right on the screen Swipe with three fingers down on the screen Swipe with three fingers up on the screen Place two fingers on the screen and pinch in or stretch out Place two fingers on the screen and slide horizontally or vertically To continue using these interactions in your apps, turn off this setting. I am suprised to find that 'tap to click' is the normal default whatever the source of the touchpad program.Note: When touch gestures are enabled, three- and four-finger interactions in your apps might not work. I don't know if it is relevant, but I noticed that when I uninstalled the Synaptics driver and just used the remaining Microsoft driver for the touchpad I also had the 'tap to click' function on and no way to disable it. I do not understand why I cannot turn off this 'tap to click' when a few weeks ago I had no problem ie I had it switched off. On many occasions when moving the cusor using the touchpad I inadvertantly open up some program or control feature, even deleting or changing things by mistake. It doesn't look as if there is a straightforward solution to this problem. On the Toshiba UK Download Files page enter the following in the drop down menus: Product Type: Notebook Family: Equium Product Series: Equium A Series Model: Equium A200 (PSAE2).

The equivalent Toshiba Downloads page is (I don't know how to put this into the post as a link as you have done). I'll monitor the Toshiba forum you suggested - there have been no replies yet.